9 places to visit in Italy for sos good luck

Mie care,
Italy is the land of strange traditions, well strange for you but not for us (Italians). While travelling around our beautiful country and hunting for places to be blessed by the fortune, hoping winning to the European Lottery or simply get the wedding of your dreams in Italy you can’t miss :
Juliet Statue in Verona:
Simply leave your payer there … well love prayer such us.. proposal, engagement ring, … she has lots of read .. but sure that she will have a little of her room also for you.
The Taurus’ “jewelry” in Milan
While visiting Milan from 24th to 31st December, you need to go in Galleria in Milan and put your heel right in the center of the Taurus’ jewelry, turn around for 360° and make your wish … well strange way to get a lovely Xmas present
Little Pig in Florence
Those of you that are visiting the market in Florence, cannot miss the little pig or wild board. It is customary to touch is nose, put a cent on is month and if the cent is entering the gate under its feet you will be lucky for the entire year.
Trevi fountain in Rome
Famous for the Dolce Vita, this incredible masterpiece is also a traditional good luck place. Simply make a wish, turn around and throw the cent into the fountain.. you love will be forever.
Guidarello Statue in Ravenna
This sleeping statue represent the never ending love. Those girls kissing the statue will get married within one year! Let’s book a van and drive as faster as we can.
Colombo in Turin
Touching Colombo’s finger in Turin is for those wishing to have a safe trip and prosperous life!
Ossario di Fontanelle in Naples
Naples is the land of good luck prayers… and this old cemetery preserving the bones of last centuries epidemics is for those making really all kind wishes!
Boobs up in Treviso
This fountain was said to produce wine and prosperity, so touching the boobs or drinking its water will bring you lot of fortune and money.
Crazy & lucky in Gubbio
Travelling around the lovely Umbria, stop by in Gubbio, search for a crazy Eugubino (local inhabitant) turn around the fountain for 3 times and make your wish! That’s all.
In bocca al lupo!