Little Italy

Today girls I’m proud to write a few notes about the Italian stone-town: Matera. There’s no place more incredible than this little town castled on a top of a mountain and recently appointed as one of the most important places of the word by the United Nations and Europe Culture Capital city for 2019. During the 50’s its narrow streets were the perfect set for some of the most important movies of the Italian “Neorealismo”. It is hard to find the perfect words for such unusual place, considered as one of the most oldest town of the world, Matera offer the tourist an experience unique. I sassi – the stones – are in reality real houses dig in the mountain and some also water reservoir, which allowed the inhabitants a perfect hideout against the enemies. Well if you’re planning an engagement shot in the south of Italy, do not forget Matera! A great spot for vintage, old Italy set!
(photos via Pinterest – research Rossana @TheKnotInItaly)