What is it that can make a woman truly happy? According to the Sex and the City 90s’ generation there is only one thing women really loves and should do crazy things for… SHOES. If Carrie Bradshaw and Co. taught us something is that we can only rely on our feet… and it is not difficult when your feet are gently adorned by a pair of Manolo or Louboutin!
The fashionable Sarah Jessica Parker aka Carrie Bradshaw turned her passion into a second job when in 2014 she created a highly inspired collection of shoes.
The Collection has been created together with Manolo Blahnik’s CEO George Malkemus III, who first met SJP in 1985 in a Manolo’s store and he immediately understood she had a great style ( and every girl would love to have that style too!!! ) Since then her relationship with the brand has thickened until the decision to collaborate.
This collection was conceived upon three main basis: QUALITY OF THE MATERIALS, USE OF COLOURS AS A NEUTRAL, and NEW LIFE TO A SINGLE SOLE. SJP’s shoes have a classical and natural silhouette because the perfect shoe is the one that never goes out-of-style. She attentively studied the colours and the materials; each piece was hand-made… guess you where?? In Tuscany of course! By real Tuscan shoemakers , guarantee of professionalism, tradition and quality.
With its high-heeled colours and materials, this collection makes you feel you are side by side with Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte walking down the 5th avenue chatting and giggling about life, men, weddings (possibly in Italy) and of course..SHOES!
Claudia Falchi
Photos via internet and copyrights remain to the owners